Presentation of Godley Gifts to Dame Helen Ghosh, Master of Balliol
Reception hosted by The Master
‘The most distinguished Balliol man of his time’ was how Prime Minister Asquith described Arthur Godley. Arthur and his grandson, the 3rd Baron Kilbracken, both attended Balliol College, Oxford, as undergraduates. When Arthur entered Balliol College, Oxford, in 1866, he was placed under the tutorship of the formidable Dr Benjamin Jowett, one of the greatest academics of the nineteenth century. Two years later, when William Gladstone had just become Prime Minister for the first time, Arthur was breakfasting with Jowett, who remarked to his young pupil: ‘I suppose you know that if your father were alive he would be a member of the Cabinet today’.
Top photo: the Balliol College Librarian, Dame Helen Ghosh, Haydn Rawstron.
Bottom photo: Dorothee Jansen, Haydn Rawstron, Dame Helen Ghosh, and the college Librarian.